CDCRF 8th Annual Charity Golf Outing
Join us on Wednesday, May 14th, for our 8th Annual Charity Golf Outing benefiting the Cri Du Chat Research Foundation! Use the buttons below to register or explore sponsorship opportunities. We accept payments via Credit Card, PayPal, Venmo, Checks, or Direct Deposit.
9:30 am - Check-in / Registration
10:00 am - Brunch, Raffles, Silent Auction
11:30 am - Tournament Rules
12:00 pm to 5:00 pm – Golf Scramble Format w/ Shotgun start
5:00 pm to 6:30 pm – The Giving Green Ceremony, Cocktails, Appetizers, Awards, Prizes
$ 1,500 fee per foursome (includes brunch, beverages & snacks during golf round, Cocktail Ceremony plus $100 of raffle tickets)
$ 1,400 fee per foursome (includes brunch, beverages & snacks during golf round, Cocktail Ceremony)
$ 375 fee per Individual Golfer (includes brunch, beverages & snacks during golf round, Cocktail Ceremony)
Event Sponsor - $10,000 includes Sponsor Banner displayed all day, plus (3) golf foursomes w/ brunch and the Giving Green Cocktail Ceremony.
Tournament Sponsor - $5,000 includes Sponsor Banner displayed all day, plus (1) golf foursome w/ brunch and the Giving Green Cocktail Ceremony.
Brunch Sponsor - $2,500 includes Sponsor Banner displayed all day plus (1) Twosome w/ brunch and the Giving Green Cocktail Ceremony.
Beverage Cart Sponsor - $2,500 includes Sponsor sign on Beverage Cart displayed throughout the event.
Golf Ball Sponsor - $1,500 includes your name or Company Logo on a sign displayed throughout event.
Golf Prize/Awards Sponsor - $1,500 includes your name or Company Logo on a sign displayed throughout event.
Golf Cart Sponsor - $1,000 includes your name or Company Logo on a sign displayed throughout event.
Golf Cart Snacks Bag Sponsor - $1,000 includes your name or Company Logo on a sign displayed throughout event.
Hole-in-One Prize Sponsor - $1,000 includes your name or Company Logo on Hole-in-One signage at specific Hole.
Longest Drive Sponsor - $750 includes sponsor sign exclusively at the specific Longest Drive Hole.
Closest to the Pin Sponsor - $750 includes sponsor sign exclusively at the specific Closest to the Pin Hole
Premier Tee or Green Sponsor - $500 includes your name or Company Logo on a sign exclusively at Tee or Green.
Tee or Green Sponsor - $250 includes your name or Company Logo on a sign at a Tee or Green
For checks:
Make checks payable to: Cri Du Chat Research Foundation
Mail to: JC Leston c/o Cri Du Chat Research Foundation
1966 W 13th Street, Brooklyn, New York 11223
For Direct Deposit:
Please provide us with the required form, Employer’s Accounts Payable - Direct Deposit Authorization to complete and return along with any additional documents required.
Do you own a business which can offer its services?
Do you have tickets to a Sporting or entertainment event?
Do you have access to a vacation home or time-share rental?
Are you a member of a local Golf Club?
Please contact us directly if you are considering any in-kind donation which we can utilize in our auction or raffles. Thank you again for your support!