CDCRF 8th Annual Charity Golf Outing
9:30 AM09:30

CDCRF 8th Annual Charity Golf Outing

Join us on Wednesday, May 14th, for our 8th Annual Charity Golf Outing benefiting the Cri Du Chat Research Foundation! Use the buttons below to register or explore sponsorship opportunities. We accept payments via Credit Card, PayPal, Venmo, Checks, or Direct Deposit.


9:30 am - Check-in / Registration
10:00 am - Brunch, Raffles, Silent Auction
11:30 am - Tournament Rules
12:00 pm to 5:00 pm – Golf Scramble Format w/ Shotgun start
5:00 pm to 6:30 pm  – The Giving Green Ceremony, Cocktails, Appetizers, Awards, Prizes


$ 1,500 fee per foursome (includes brunch, beverages & snacks during golf round, Cocktail Ceremony plus $100 of raffle tickets)

$ 1,400 fee per foursome (includes brunch, beverages & snacks during golf round, Cocktail Ceremony)

$ 375 fee per Individual Golfer (includes brunch, beverages & snacks during golf round, Cocktail Ceremony)



Event Sponsor - $10,000 includes Sponsor Banner displayed all day, plus (3) golf foursomes w/ brunch and the Giving Green Cocktail Ceremony.

Tournament Sponsor - $5,000 includes Sponsor Banner displayed all day, plus (1) golf foursome w/ brunch and the Giving Green Cocktail Ceremony.

Brunch Sponsor - $2,500 includes Sponsor Banner displayed all day plus (1) Twosome w/ brunch and the Giving Green Cocktail Ceremony.

Beverage Cart Sponsor - $2,500 includes Sponsor sign on Beverage Cart displayed throughout the event.

Golf Ball Sponsor - $1,500 includes your name or Company Logo on a sign displayed throughout event.

Golf Prize/Awards Sponsor - $1,500 includes your name or Company Logo on a sign displayed throughout event.

Golf Cart Sponsor - $1,000 includes your name or Company Logo on a sign displayed throughout event.

Golf Cart Snacks Bag Sponsor - $1,000 includes your name or Company Logo on a sign displayed throughout event.

Hole-in-One Prize Sponsor - $1,000 includes your name or Company Logo on Hole-in-One signage at specific Hole.

Longest Drive Sponsor - $750 includes sponsor sign exclusively at the specific Longest Drive Hole.

Closest to the Pin Sponsor - $750 includes sponsor sign exclusively at the specific Closest to the Pin Hole

Premier Tee or Green Sponsor - $500 includes your name or Company Logo on a sign exclusively at Tee or Green.

Tee or Green Sponsor - $250 includes your name or Company Logo on a sign at a Tee or Green

For checks:

Make checks payable to: Cri Du Chat Research Foundation

Mail to: JC Leston c/o Cri Du Chat Research Foundation

1966 W 13th Street, Brooklyn, New York 11223

For Direct Deposit:

Please provide us with the required form, Employer’s Accounts Payable - Direct Deposit Authorization to complete and return along with any additional documents required.


Do you own a business which can offer its services?

Do you have tickets to a Sporting or entertainment event?

Do you have access to a vacation home or time-share rental?

Are you a member of a local Golf Club?

Please contact us directly if you are considering any in-kind donation which we can utilize in our auction or raffles. Thank you again for your support!

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Chance to win a 3-hour 12-Person Private cruise on 75 foot Luxury Yacht in Lake Michiga
to Aug 1

Chance to win a 3-hour 12-Person Private cruise on 75 foot Luxury Yacht in Lake Michiga

  • Burnham Harbor Drive Chicago, IL United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Here is an incredible opportunity to make amazing memories with your friends, family or colleagues while supporting critical research on a rare disease, Cri du Chat syndrome!

"Vintage" is Lake Michigan's largest private yacht for rental ---- a 75 FT SUNSEEKER PREDATOR with 3 CABINS and 3 BATHROOMS

Buy raffle tickets today ($50 per ticket) for a chance to win a 3-hour, 12-person private cruise, on this luxury yacht! Cruise on Lake Michigan and on the Chicago River! This offer includes a Captain and Stew on-board, a catered lunch, and a premium open bar for 12-people! This has a $9,000 retail value



Get ready to play, Vintage is equipped with:
- Island Party Floats
- Inflatable Docks
- Custom "Mission Gear" Raft
- Lily Pad 
- Stand-up paddle board
- Noodles, loungers, swans and flamingos 
- The "playpens" only water trampoline! 


The drawing for the winning ticket will be held on August 2nd. We will live stream the drawing and announce the winner. 


Check out the website for more pictures and details of the yacht (

***We are using Zeffy a zero-fee fundraising software for nonprofits; Please note Zeffy will ask for a Optional Contribution for Zeffy during the transaction process; you NOT REQUIRED to and can set their contribution to zero (0)***


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Join Team Cri du Chat Research at the Million Dollar Bike Ride
7:30 AM07:30

Join Team Cri du Chat Research at the Million Dollar Bike Ride

The Penn Medicine Orphan Disease Center (ODC) will host the 11th Annual Million Dollar Bike Ride on Saturday, June 8, 2024 to raise money for rare disease research.

The Million Dollar Bike Ride brings over 600 cyclists and volunteers to Penn’s campus to ride either 10, 32, or 72 miles starting in the city, and ranging across the Greater Philadelphia region. In ten years, the MDBR’s 30+ teams have raised over $20 million to fund research grants on the diseases they represent. The ODC ensures that 100% of the funds received goes towards these pilot grants.

Cri du Chat Research Foundation has sponsored an Independent Team

If you are riding with us, please register with “Independent Team Registration”.

Cri du Chat Research Foundation

During registration you will have the option to create a fundraising page. When prompted, please SKIP/OPT-OUT creating a fundraising page and SKIP joining a team. Independent Teams will not use the Pledge It platform to fundraise.

The best way to donate/fundraise for CDCRF is through direct donations. Payment type accepted - Credit Card or PayPal (Donation Button), Venmo (@CDCRF), or Checks

Routes and Maps

The routes for the 2024 Million Dollar Bike Ride will start and finish at the University of Pennsylvania campus in downtown Philadelphia. The roads will be completely shut down for exit from the city, up until the MLK river drive. The return will stay on the river drives almost all the way until the South Street bridge, which will bring us over to the finish with very little time on streets with traffic for the short route.

Short Route - CDCRF Founders will be riding this route

10 miles, total ascent 278 ft
Start time: 7:36 am

The 10 mile route includes a gradual climb route, but still designed for first time cyclists, younger cyclists, and cyclists who are looking for a shorter time commitment. Almost the entire route is flat, with one short climb on the in-bound portion of the route. Approximately 6 miles of the route occur on Philadelphia’s scenic MLK drive, which is closed to traffic on the weekends, which makes this route a great fit for novice cyclists who aren’t comfortable riding in traffic. There’s one rest stop, located at mile 4.2, which also serves as the turnaround point for riders on this route.

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Bayridge Catholic Academy Dress Down Day
8:30 AM08:30

Bayridge Catholic Academy Dress Down Day

Thank you to our family at Bay Ridge Catholic. We greatly appreciate your generous donation made to Cri Du Chat Research Foundation and all the children who paid to participate in dress down day for Cri du Chat Syndrome awareness by wearing orange and Apraxia awareness by wearing blue! It was touching to see this level of support and to see the children & staff eager to learn more about this very impactful rare disease population. We are so grateful!

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to Jul 7

Cri du Chat Research Request for Application (RFA)

Innovator Awards in Chromosome Repair and Gene Therapy

 The Cri du Chat Research Foundation is pleased to announce that they are accepting a Letter of Interest from applicants for its inaugural awards. Cri du Chat Syndrome is a rare developmental disorder caused by spontaneous breakage of short arm of Chromosome 5, leading to haploinsufficency of a cluster containing dozens of genes. The Cri du Chat Research Foundation Award supports research on novel approaches to the repair of chromosomes with an eye on approaches towards future therapeutics. The foundation particularly encourages researchers from other chromosomal deletion syndromes to apply, as well as innovative proposals from disciplines that might fall outside molecular biology/genetics, including nanotechnology and computational biology. Please note that while future RFAs may focus on the roles of individuals genes within the breakage locus on developmental and physiological processes, the initial Innovator awards will not be focused on this topic.

 Eligibility: Applicants must have a PhD, MD or DVM and should hold the rank of assistant professor at a research University/Institute or the equivalent. With the exception of newly appointed investigators, applicants should be able to demonstrate a track-record of successfully obtaining funding and a robust research program. The Foundation seeks to fund the most innovative research and is not restricted by nationality or citizenship.

 Awards terms: Awards will be $100K/2 years

 To be considered, please submit a one-page letter containing a summary of the proposed research, along with the Principle Investigator’s C.V. as a PDF to

 Timeline :

·       Letters of Interest due: September 15th, 2021

·       Select candidate Invited to submit full applications: October 15th, 2021

·       Awardees notified: January 15th, 2022

·       Start Date: March 1st, 2022

About the Cri du Chat Foundation:

The Cri du Chat Research Foundation is a non-profit organization that was founded in July 2014. The foundation’s goal is to lead and support the advancement of translational research which could impact the lives of those living with the rare disorder, Cri du Chat Syndrome. The Foundation was initiated by JC and Megan Leston who were inspired by their son, Liam (diagnosed in October 2013), and continues to grow through the many families, advocates, and professionals answering their call for research to help raise the bar for this rare disease.


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CDCRF 6th Annual Charity Golf Outing - CANCELLED DUE TO COVID
10:45 AM10:45

CDCRF 6th Annual Charity Golf Outing - CANCELLED DUE TO COVID

Dear Golfers, Dinner Guests, Tournament Sponsors and Volunteers,

We are grateful for your generosity and continued support of the Cri du Chat Research Foundation through our annual charity golf outing. The event has always been our largest fundraiser, emboldening us in our mission for this rare genetic syndrome. Unfortunately, it is with great disappointment that I advise everyone our 2020 golf outing has been cancelled. Based on the current COVID-19 pandemic, we have erred on the side of caution with the health and safety of everyone associated with our day of golf, which is our number-one priority. We will of course miss seeing you on the golf course this year and sharing in a needed break from a world turned upside down. And while we all proceed forward settling into a new normal, our foundation is continuing to make strides in expanding research into Cri du Chat Syndrome. We eagerly await to update you next year when we intend to hold our 7th Annual Golf Outing in late 2021. Until then, we hope that you and your family are able to stay safe and healthy, and we look forward to seeing you in the future.

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CDCRF 5th Annual Charity Golf Outing
11:00 AM11:00

CDCRF 5th Annual Charity Golf Outing

Please join us on Thursday, May 16th for our Fifth Annual Charity Golf Outing in support of the Cri Du Chat Research Foundation.

Schedule of Activities
10:45 am - Registration
11:00 am - BBQ Lunch
12:00 pm - Tournament Rules
12:30 pm to 4:30 pm – Golf Shotgun start
5:00 pm to 6:00 pm  – Cocktail Hour and Silent Auction
6:00 pm to 9:00 pm  – Dinner, Awards, Raffles & Silent Auction Winners

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to Mar 23

The Lucky Liam Gala

  • Dyker Beach Golf Course (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Hosted by Cristen Agostinacchio and Monique Elefterakis.

In honor of Liam Leston and to benefit the necessary research of the rare disorder, Cri du Chat Syndrome, please join us for a night of dinner and dancing.

Adult Seated Dinner Dance • Dinner • 5-hour Open Bar • Dessert Table • Box Boards • Live Music & DJ • Raffles • Chinese Auction

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Texas Hold'Em Tournament to Support Cri du Chat Research
7:00 PM19:00

Texas Hold'Em Tournament to Support Cri du Chat Research

Presented by Island Auto Tigers Softball Team, please join us for a night of poker, food and drinks to support Cri du Chat research!  This charity Texas hold'em tournament will be held on Friday, March 8th, 2019. Check-in and dinner starts at 7pm; tournament begins at 8pm.

Feel free to share with your friends, but don't forget to pre-register before the event to receive an extra 500 chip bonus!

To register, please call:

- Andrew L.: 917-783-1337
- Frank G.: 347-898-7453

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CDCRF 4th Annual Charity Golf Outing
11:00 AM11:00

CDCRF 4th Annual Charity Golf Outing

Please join us on Thursday, May 17th for our Fourth Annual Charity Golf Outing in support of the Cri Du Chat Research Foundation.

Schedule of Activities
10:45 am - Registration
11:00 am - BBQ Lunch
12:00 pm - Tournament Rules
12:30 pm to 4:30 pm – Golf Shotgun start
5:00 pm to 6:00 pm  – Cocktail Hour and Silent Auction
6:00 pm to 8:30 pm  – Dinner, Awards, Raffles & Silent Auction Winners

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Texas Hold'Em Tournament to Support Cri du Chat Research
7:00 PM19:00

Texas Hold'Em Tournament to Support Cri du Chat Research

Presented by Dynasty Tigers Softball, please join us for a night of poker, food and drinks to support Cri du Chat research!  This charity Texas hold'em tournament will be held on Friday, March 9th, 2018. Check-in and dinner starts at 7pm; tournament begins at 8pm.

Feel free to share with your friends, but don't forget to pre-register before the event!

To register, please call:

- Andrew L.: 917-783-1337
- Frank G.: 347-898-7453

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CDCRF 3rd Annual Charity Golf Outing
11:00 AM11:00

CDCRF 3rd Annual Charity Golf Outing

Please join us on Thursday, May 11th for our Third Annual Charity Golf Outing in support of the Cri Du Chat Research Foundation.

Schedule of Activities
11:15 am to 12:15 pm - Registration / BBQ Lunch
12:15 pm - Tournament Rules
12:30 pm to 4:30 pm – Golf Shotgun start
5:30 pm to 6:30 pm  – Cocktail Hour & Silent Auction
6:30 pm to 9:00 pm  – Dinner, Awards, Raffles & Silent Auction Winners



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Texas Hold'Em Tournament to Support Cri du Chat Research
7:00 PM19:00

Texas Hold'Em Tournament to Support Cri du Chat Research

Presented by Dynasty Tigers Softball, please join us for a night of poker, food and drinks to support Cri du Chat research!  This charity Texas hold'em tournament will be held on Friday, March 3rd, 2017. Check-in and dinner starts at 7pm; tournament begins at 8pm.

Feel free to share with your friends, but don't forget to pre-register before the day of the event!

To register, please call:

- Andrew Lardaro: (917) 783-1337
- Frank Gambino: (347) 898-7453

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Giving Tuesday CDCRF 2016 Campaign
to Dec 31

Giving Tuesday CDCRF 2016 Campaign

  • Google Calendar ICS

Giving Tuesday is an international day of giving. Everyone, anywhere, can participate! 

It's a day when your charitable donation can make a big impact, especially for those children, adults, and families affected by Cri du Chat Syndrome. Our non-profit organization is dedicated to facilitating research for this rare genetic disorder. 

  We have a number of ways you can help us reach our goals!

1. Take part in or share our CDCRF 2016 #GivingTuesday campaign with your friends, family, co-workers and community. 

2. Many employers offer a donation match program where an employee’s donation to a registered non-profit organization will be matched, allowing your contribution to be maximized! To see if your company offers a donation match or other corporate giving program, contact your HR department. If your HR department needs any information from CDCRF, please contact Megan Leston at

3. Use AmazonSmile when doing any holiday shopping (and year round shopping as well)! AmazonSmile is operated by Amazon and has all of the same products, pricing, and features as Amazon. The difference is when a purchase is made using AmazonSmile, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate a portion of the purchase price from eligible products back to the Cri Du Chat Research Foundation. To set up your AmazonSmile account, visit and select “Cri Du Chat Research Foundation Inc” as your charity. 

Make a contribution today to our non-profit organization

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CDCRF 2nd Annual Charity Golf Outing
11:15 AM11:15

CDCRF 2nd Annual Charity Golf Outing

Please join us on Thursday, May 19th for our Second Annual Charity Golf Outing in support of the Cri Du Chat Research Foundation.

Schedule of Activities
11:15 am to 12:15 pm - Registration / BBQ Lunch
12:15 pm - Tournament Rules
12:30 pm to 4:30 pm – Golf Shotgun start
5:30 pm to 6:30 pm  – Cocktail Hour & Silent Auction
6:30 pm to 9:00 pm  – Dinner, Awards, Raffles & Silent Auction Winners

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Texas Hold'em Tournament
7:00 PM19:00

Texas Hold'em Tournament

Presented by Dynasty Tigers Softball, please join us for a night of poker, food and drinks to support Cri du Chat research!  This charity Texas hold'em tournament will be held on Friday, March 4th, 2016. Check-in and dinner starts at 7pm; tournament begins at 8pm.

Feel free to share with your friends, but don't forget to pre-register before the day of the event!

To register, please call:

- Andrew Lardaro: (917) 783-1337
- Frank Gambino: (347) 898-7453

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CDCRF 1st Annual Charity Golf Outing
11:15 AM11:15

CDCRF 1st Annual Charity Golf Outing

Please join us on May 12th for our first Annual Charity Golf Outing in support of the Cri Du Chat Research Foundation.

Schedule of Activities
11:15 am - Registration / BBQ Lunch
12:15 pm - Tournament Rules
12:30 pm – Golf Shotgun start
5:30 pm – Cocktail Hour & Silent Auction
6:30 pm – Dinner, Awards, Raffles & Silent Auction Winners

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to Dec 21

Garden City Welcomes Liam's Pride Fundraiser

  • Leo's Restaurant & Bar (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Garden City native, John Maloney, is hosting a fundraising event to support the Cri Du Chat Research Foundation and those affected by Cri Du Chat Syndrome. This rare disorder is particularly dear to John, as his nephew Liam was diagnosed with this syndrome 13 months ago. The event will start at 8:30PM. It will consist of an open bar option and multiple raffles. All proceeds will be donated to the Cri Du Chat Research Foundation. If you are available, interested in a night out, or looking to support a great cause, please join us at Leo's Restuarant and Bar on Saturday, December 20, 2014.

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to Dec 1

ARBONNE INTERNATIONAL HEALTH & WELLNESS COMPANY is partnering with the Cri Du Chat Research Foundation

During the month of October and November, 100% OF THE PROFITS made from purchases through ARBONNE (using the information provided below), will be donated to the Cri Du Chat Research Foundation!

Participating is easy!

You can shop online at WWW.ARBONNE.COM
Use ID# 21234036

Then email a copy of your receipt to

In addition, you can host an event at your home where you will be able to touch, feel, smell, taste, and sample the products.

Shop for products you use everyday to benefit an amazing cause.

For more information, please feel free to contact Priscilla Dockweiler at 631-338-4510

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